

Protective Security Detail (PSD)

The ultimate training course to provide our Operatives and the unit with the core principles of PSD and how it relates to any given operation. The course contains live scenarios, including combat, force-on-force, live fire and simulated hostile environments, allowing each member to understand their role within the unit. This allows the unit to develop and test their SOPs (standard operating procedures), safety skills and due diligence as well as giving new personnel a true likeness for any upcoming operation.

Convoy Escort

Convoy Escort - Designed to train our Operatives to an advanced level while working inside a convoy escort team during combat situations. Skills will be gained in general driving to a combat standard as well as operational training. Simulated attack exercises will be undertaken to offer the best possible training and both individual and group activities will take place during the course.


Learn and improve tactical shooting skills with confidence. One on one and group live exercises. Simulated rural and urban environments, close combat and range training.

Contact us for further information on any of our courses.